^^Goonies Reference^^
So it's Monday right? We get done with our weekly emails and fun adventures to the Goodwill and Mexican Bakery, then it's back to Proselyting. So a few days before we promised Hermano Solis (Our favorite 64 year-old single Mexican amigo) that we would stop by and eat his famous (not for a good reason) fish soup. Being the awesome missionaries we are, we invited Elder Martinez and Elder Dillender to join us in this crusade. We all met at his house and Solis presented us all with a huge bowl of fish soup. Here is what the soup was comprised of: a whole crab, assorted fish, shrimp, potatoes?, clams, more assorted fish, and lastly the fish bones.
We had a wonderful time chewing through the soup and making sure that we didn't swallow any bones or shells to anything. When asked if we wanted seconds we quickly explained how full we were and would totally have more if we had room enough.
Tuesday we met with Arturo again. He is the guy supposedly being hunted by Communist from Honduras. We taught him the restoration and he puffed smoke in our face the entire tIme from his cigarette. It was so great! Also pretty nasty...
Then we reprimanded a member of the church for not taking her kids to church and not letting her son, Diego, be baptized. She said she had to talk to the kids step-dad about letting the kids be baptized. The step-father does a ton of hard drugs and terrible things. It sucks a lot seeing those kids because their parents just expose them to so much stuff so young. It really makes me grateful for my parents and how good they are to me. Shout out to the padres for being awesome!
Wednesday we had exchanges and I got paired with Elder Bala. He is from the Philippines. Their area doesn't have a car so we biked around all day. We volunteered at The Salvation Army too. We made lunch for homeless people and gave it out to them. Some were really humble about their situation and others....still super prideful.
Thursday exchanges ended and we met a man named Ernesto who has a giant sign about Jesus in his front yard. He is a nice man and gave us soda. He said we could come back whenever we wanted. Later I got paired with Elder Martinez for an hour. We played soccer with the kids in the ward. And I scored a goal! So I guess I might just be better than Mexicans at soccer
Friday we helped our downstairs neighbors move out. They fed us lunch and gave us a practically all their food in their refrigerator. Guess who doesn't have to shop this week! Also they gave us this sick giant felt picture of a Leopard. It's so ugly but so good. We have it hanging in our room now.
Later we returned to Diego's house and to our surprise his mom said he could be baptized! So Saturday started out with us interviewing Diego. Then we had lessons and prepared for the baptism! So Diego joined another investigator, Kevin, that night. Kevin is the other Elders investigator. He is from Honduras and grew up practically on the streets without parents. Three months ago he got tired of living there and with no money or anything, he walked and hitched rides from Honduras to the United States. He hoped the fence from Mexico to the U.S. and got caught by Border Patrol. They sent him to live with his aunt and uncle here in Vegas because it is safer for him here. After his and Diego's baptism, Kevin's aunt and uncle invited all the missionaries over for Carneasada! Kevin had an emotional time because all of it was the first thing that anyone had ever done for him. That was pretty humbling to hear.
Sunday we had 10 investigators at church! Last Sunday we had 2, so we have improved! Kevin and Diego we confirmed and we had a super awesome day seeing everyone there!
Today we cleaned our apartment and went to a part of the city where they paint murals on the walls of buildings! The murals change every few months so there is always something cool to see. That part of town is pretty nasty though so we don't go there often. There is trash everywhere and homeless people sleeping under bushes and places. It was pretty nasty.
I got a sick Las Vegas shirt at Deseret Industries! I have been wanting a Las Vegas shirt very so much and hopefully I can aquire about 7 more over these next two years. Elder Dillender and I had a lovely lunch date at Del Taco, while the other Elders went to Goodwill for whatever reason.
We have been teaching the Murrillo family and they are all super solid. We have dates for all of them in June and I really hope they continue to read and pray. They love when we come over and actually invited us over for dinner yesterday for their dog's birthday. Sadly we already had a dinner scheduled...
We have been getting really close with the members and investigators here recently and they all seem to love us which is super good!
Anyways that's all that really happened this last week, but maybe this next week va traer más interesantes cosas
Until next week!
Elder Lawson
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