Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 11 - Acid, Interviews, and Steven from Ross


*That's how some Hispanics answer the phone*

Esta semana, no mucho pasado. Thats actually a lie, quite a bit happened; but now it all is so normal that I need something outrageous to phase me. At least that's what I think now at week 10. It will probably change.

Anyways Monday finished with the 4 Elders in our Barrio(Ward) making Carneasada. It was so very bien and then we went to a doctors appointment for Elder Hodge. Tuesday  was then the next day(No surprise?) and our dinner dropped us. So we used our Fun Fund, which is a stash of left-over money in our car that we slowly build up, to buy pizza for dinner. We ate it in the car like pro's. Afterwards we taught an enfermo Restoration lesson to our investigator Zyra. She is about to graduate and her mom hates Mormons, so that is pretty fun! We then painted a room of a member's house! That ended up being super messy...

Wednesday ! We had interviews with our Mission President and his wife! That was awesome getting to talk to both of them. I later gave a district training over using scriptures in lessons and the Zone Leaders sat in on that. They said they really liked it, so I guess the current Assistants to the President better watch out! Jk, I like the sleep I get each night and lack of 10 million responsibilities that I have as District Monkey. Later we talked to a guy who admitted that he was tripping on acid at that current moment. He is now a new investigator! We will see where that eventually goes.

Thursday we had exchanges and I got paired with Elder Martinez. He is Elder Dillenders current companion. He is from México, so fluent Spanish definitely helped out with my accent problems. We taught a few lessons and had a good time together.

Friday exchanges ended and Elder Hodge and I went on splits. I went with Hermano Corona and ended up teaching the restoration all by myself in terrible Spanish! Our investigators, the Lemus family, seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

Saturday was pretty good. We cleaned our house pretty hardcore because the condo owners came by later to fix a broken lock. They were really cool and said absolutely nothing about the house. They were very proud of us for changing the air filters though. Apparently other missionaries cannot?

Sunday we had 6 investigators at church! I had to teach gospel principles class on the spot and all in Español. I think I actually did a decent job! Then we tracted and taught a guy who was super high. He pulled out an Aloe plant during the lesson and started putting it on the burn he got from trying to light is Marijuana device...yeah his bong...Anyways we are going back there sometime this week!

Today Elder Hodge cut mi pelo and then we went to many thrift shops and stores. We go to Ross each Monday to say hi to Steven. He is the socially awkward security guard who welcomes everyone to Ross. Sadly he was not there this week, so that was a bit disappointing. We like Steven a lot.

Fun fact about our ward! The 1st Counselor is a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, who learned Spanish on his mission and ended up marrying a Mexican lady afterwards! She doesn't know any English and  they and their kids only speak Spanish in their home. His name is Hermano Pace. He is a wonderful example of Returned Spanish-language Missionary goals here in Vegas. We like him a lot too.

So like last week, this week was pretty awesome too! Our first transfer is almost over which means I have been here six weeks! It's been pretty lit here in Vegas and it just keeps getting better and better. I'll talk to you guys again next week!

Stay thirsty my friends(for the gospel),
Elder Lawson

P.s. the pictures are pretty weak this semana porque no usé my camera at all. Lo siento pero aqui es un fotografía that shows the temperature in our car one day and un otra from last week

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