So this week started out pretty bad, but it got a ton better as the week went on!
Tuesday we literally tracted all day. All of our lessons dropped us and I wanted to just die...
And that was how Tuesday became the worst day of the week, but Wednesday was better! We had dinner with the Bishop's family and they gave us some really good food (totally forgot what it was though). We also found this super awesome family this week. The mom is a Less-Active because her husband hates the church, but she wants us to teach her kids, so that's what we started doing! They are super solid and its such a blessing because we haven't found any really solid people in a super long time.
And Friday we had a really amazing lesson with a Less-Active family and some members about the importance of the temple and being sealed together. The mom gave us flan afterwards, so that was nice. For those of you who don't know what flan is, imagine this:
You are eating cheesecake, right? But wait this cheesecake is like super soggy? How can that be? That's because it's flan. Super soggy cheesecake....
So yeah besides chimoy, flan is also disgusting, but I haven't seen much chimoy lately for some reason, maybe that's a good sign?
But that was pretty much my week so yeah. I hope everyone else had a good week!
Until next time!
Elder Lawson
1. A nice picture of the Stratosphere
2. When you don't try to be original in your logo

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