Gracias al Señor, esta semana estaba muy bueno! And we didn't bike! We figured out that if we plan amazingly then we don't have to bike! I'm so very happy about this.
Also fun fact! Most of the people we are teaching right now are Cuban, which means they are extremely difficult to Understand! They talk super loud and fast with a Caribbean accent, so a veces it is pretty much impossible to know what they are saying. So because of this my understanding of everyone else has improved immensely!
So yeah we taught a really sick lesson to our investigator Elizabeth and her grandkids, which she seemed to really enjoy! Our first day here she didn't seem to like us too much (Especially me), but after this lesson she was super open and asking tons of questions and really loved what we had to say about temples and how I taught her grandkids! At times the stuff I picked up in while being a camp counselor really becomes useful out here. Afterwards she hugged us both and was super grateful for us coming over!
We also talked to some dude who was crying on the side of the street. He was upset with people not giving him water and life being really difficult. We helped him get some water and tried to help him, but he was super skeptical about everything so that was kinda useless.
Saturday a huge thing happened! Firstly weed became legal so everyone has been blazing it so hard. Not like they weren't doing that at their houses, but now it is just everywhere. So yeah everyone is just walking around smoking blunts all day. So this 4th of July will indeed be "Lit".
Also guess who got a new mission president! President Youngblood came here Saturday and we get to meet him tomorrow! He served his mission in Japan; so it's kinda cool that he learned Japanese, but it is not the celestial language of Spanish so that must be a bummer.
But that was my week! Have fun blowing stuff up tomorrow! We have to be in our apartments by 6pm....
Until next week!
Elder Lawson
1. We were shopping today and I found these great avocados
2. A cool mini van we saw the other day

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