This week started out good, with Sunday, like it does every week(well unless you recognize Sunday as the last day of the week). We had our usual Sunday church meetings and our last temple walk with our favorite district. All of them left for Argentina Monday morning. Later that night we had our Sunday devotional which was good.
But it got better on Monday Morning. When we consuela-ed the top two floors of our residence building. It was the parting gift of the Argentina district. It was sooo funny! Then of course Monday morning was sad saying goodbye to everyone as they departed for the mystery land of South America. There was lots of crying. Then our zone went from 22 people to 14. It is a very lonely zone now.
Tuesday we had our other weekly devotional and Elder Zwick, one of the LDS "General Authorities" (Kinda like a Catholic Cardinal, but not really), came and spoke and did a phenomenal job. He has given talks in General Conference before. General Conference is where we spend two weekends out of the year watching the General Authorities speak to the entire Mormon church about family, gospel, and Book of Mormon topics. I highly recommend that everyone looks up Elder Zwicks latest conference talk from 2014. Es diez de diez (10/10). You can find it online.
Wednesday we taught Gabby and we talked about a few of the commandments and what has to be done in order to prepare for baptism.
Thursday I stayed up very late talking to Elder Gerber and Elder Fine about comic books and comic book related topics. That was a very buena noche.
Friday was great! We taught Gabby for the last time about more commandments and it was super disappointing that we wouldn't see her again, but I think we might see her next week just to take a picture with her for memories sake. Then later in the day we got our flight plans for April 5th! I will then leave the MTC and Provo and finally fly out to Las Vegas at about 8:30 that morning! Im so excited for thatbut not the waking up at 3:00 in the morning part. The best part of the day was when Elder Bishop (The whitest and most socially awkward kid in our zone) rapped the Joseph Smith's First Vision in Spanish later that night. It was jaw-dropping. Definitely one of the highlights of the week.
My district is super excited to go to our actual fields and actually start teaching!
Also my hair has grown back slightly.
So the Faux Hawk has made a return.
Anyways I'm still super excited to be here and learning Spanish and preparing to actually go and teach people! I'll tell more next week about whats happening with leaving and such!
Until then!
Elder Lawson
P.s. The pictures are of me this morning at the temple, two reference photos of my hair last week and then of my hair today, and of our zone (Pre-Argentina District leaving) from last Sunday, and finally on Monday when Elder Fine stole the Rey de Tostar Crown from me (Roast King(For whoever roasts someone the best)). An honorary title.