So Amador, right? After 48 hours of intense packing we shut down our apartment in Paraíso and Elder Manrique and I said bye to one another, then Elder Rivero and I hoped in with Hermana Carranza and she took us to our new apartment in Henderson. We unpacked and met up with our ward mission leader.
Let me tell you about reverse culture shock.
I didn't realize how comfortable I got being in a Spanish ward and especially being in the hood for almost a year. Elder Rivero and I were freaking out pretty hardcore. It was super weird how organized everything is and clean the sidewalks are and just talking to white people all the time.
So in Amador we have no apartment complexes in our area and almost every community is gated. A majority of our area is a place called Macdonald Ranch. It is a golf course and we cannot knock on doors in there. You also need to have the guard at the front call the residents who live there to let you in. It's great!
Amador has been super lit. The members are awesome and are super willing to work with us and we have a great time doing missionary work here. It's a ton different from Paraíso, but I love it just the same.
Also Christmas has happened since my last email, so I got to talk to my family which was absolutely amazing! It definitely sucked saying goodbye, but that's just how it is.
Also Steve Aoki lives in our area, so we are pretty pumped about that.
But that is Amador
Elder Lawson