So a TON has happened since my last email!
First, Elder Manrique had his birthday the 19th of October and mine was the 21st, so we were so super trunky that week. It was pretty difficult, but our investigators and the members gave us like two different cakes and it was amazing!
We later had a baptism on the 28th of Leo. He is a part-member family that we tracted into a while back and we are working on his dad! His parents aren't married, so we are going to have a wedding soon (we are super excited for that) and hopefully a baptism right afterwards.
The other Elders (Rivero and Tolman) received a trainee straight from the MTC. His name is Elder Ramirez. He came in the middle of the transfer and was supposed to go to the Michigan Lansing Mission Spanish speaking, but he can't fly until his DACA gets put through, so they sent him to a better mission for now! We were surprised when they pulled up in their car with a third person in the back and they had a missionary nametag on. So then they three-packed it for half of a transfer. It was a lit three-pack.
We had transfers at the beginning of the month and everyone stayed in Paraíso, except for Elder Tolman. He went to an English ward as a Zone Leader. We also had our cars taken away (because good ideas, right?) and so we have been biking all this past week. The AP's decided that our areas are bike-able. Let me tell you that the United States is also bike-able if we are going to put it into that perspective. We spend more than half our day biking from place to place now instead of knocking doors and finding new people. Rest in peace the effectiveness of the Paraíso missionaries.
So one of Elder Manrique's recent converts from his old area, El Rancho, took us to dinner that night at Olive Garden. We had to bike there, so we arrived early and went to sit down inside. While waiting at the booth for the members to show up, this random SINGLE misionary in a suit and a Spanish nametag and everything slides in across from us and starts asking us what ward we are from and just talking normally like we know each other!
I was super confused because we don't have an Elder Lambert in our mission and let alone a Spanish missionary with that name. We started our investigation of this mysterious new person and found out that he had literally just come from the airport two hours earlier. That morning he had finished his mission in Yucatán, México and had gone straight with his family to dinner before going back to Kingman, AZ to be released.
He told us that he felt super uncomfortable being back home and with his family and (literally almost crying telling us) that we had answered his prayer by being there. We started exchanging info about our missions. He told us how he had been walking everywhere for the past two years and the idea of having a bike was unimaginable in his mission. We were pretty freaking humbled to hear that because literally right before we were complaing about having to bike 30+ miles each day.
The members eventually showed up and Elder Lambert had to go with his family back to Kingman to get released. It was one of the craziest things that I have experienced so far. So yeah it was pretty intense.
Also Oliver Garden was fantastic.
Also last week an Elder in our Stake gave me a really bad haircut (Worse than the MTC).
Also we were sick these past few days.
Also got stopped while biking by this homie who was drunk.
Also everyone in the mission will get Facebook on our tablets on Tuesday.
Also we taught repentance and baptized converts
That's All Folks!
Elder Lawson
1. Found a Less-Actives baptismal certificate that we needed to recreate their membership
2. Birthday french fries on my birthday
3. Leo's Baptism!
4. District Photo!